Jealousy Quotes
Posted in Jealousy QuotesBRAND NEW JEALOUSY QUOTES FOR 2011
Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
Jealousy is about self-love not love.
It is better to be envied than pitied.
Jealous quotes here is one of the best collections in If you want them, you can now freely use these quotes in your facebook wall, myspace or twitter just like that!
I'm Sorry, did my back hurt your knife?
What upsets me is not that you lied to me,
but that from now on I can longer believe you
Envy me; Hate me; Rate me.
Face it.. You're never gonna be me.
You've labeled your whole lifestyle and changed the way you dress.
Now take a good look in the mirror and tell me who you're trying to impress.
I guess in the end people become the people
that they promised they'd never be.
Best jealous quotes

It's funny how the people that hurt you the most
are always the ones who swore they never would.
Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back;
it only means that you're two steps ahead of them.
People change, and by the time you even notice,
you can't do anything about it.
It's like you never knew them in the first place.
A promise is a promise; that's what they all say.
Welcome to reality hunny, they're b r o k e n everyday.
I miss you being there, but the thing that hurts most is
that I know y o u j u s t d o n t c a r e .
Take out the picture, blow off the dust;
Take off the frame, it's starting to rust.
Remember the times we had together;
What happened to Best Friends Forever?
Sad Jealousy Quotes
Promises are meant to be broken; I learned that from you.
Im not a hoe; Im not a slut.
Its not MY fault boys like the butt!
Love your haters; they're your biggest fans.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,
hate me cause your boyfriend thinks I am.
It's okay, I'd be jealous too.

Ah jealousy, this expression of anguish that often makes us see all the colors! The editorial 'offers you a few quotes to relativize your jealousy.Check out more quotes jealousy quotes here
ReplyDeleteJealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your Jealosy Quotes, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them
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Personally, this is a sign for my teammates.... That person you may smile and talk to every day, that same person can talk about you in the media or publicly, or talk to somebody else about how he doesn't like you or is Jealousy Quotes of you or whatever it might be.
ReplyDeleteWe should be happy for one another and loving and kind to one another. This should be taught in churches about jealously. Especially because it’s something that a lot of women do. It should be taught that it’s a sin and how wrong it is. Great article.Jealousy Quotes
ReplyDeleteThanks, the biblical quotes on jealously. Jealously definitely is terrible. I’ve been experiencing this feeling lately. God, please gave me strength to empty my heart from myself and be full with you.
ReplyDeleteJealousy Quotes
Great jealousy quotes
ReplyDeleteIn the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha. Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him. Jealousy Quotes
ReplyDeletePersonally, this is a sign for my teammates.... That person you may smile and talk to every day, that same person can talk about you in the media or publicly, or talk to somebody else about how he doesn't like you or is jealous of you or whatever it might be. Jealousy Quotes
ReplyDeletethey are all interconnected, remember. If greed disappears, then anger will disappear. If anger disappears, jealousy will disappear. Jealousy Quotes
ReplyDeleteReligion can make it worse. Are you supposing that if people were encouraged to believe in a transcendent reality, and to be encouraged by grand rituals and music and preaching, to love their neighbors, then they would put jealousy and frustration aside? Jealousy Quotes
ReplyDeleteThe love to which ego is attached is a form of jealousy - this is why nobody is as jealous as lovers are. The love which is attached to the ego is a conspiracy and a trick to possess the other. It is a conspiracy - that is why nobody suffocates so many people as those who talk of love. This situation is created because of the 'love' which comes from the ego - there can never be any relation between love and the ego. Jealosy Quotes