Sunday, August 21, 2011


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Dress to impress and never let them see you frown,
cause there are people that would kill to see you down.
I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me.
You can say anything about me cause I'm
what I am; something you could never be.
I am who I am && that's all I'll ever be.
Don't worry; when I'm famous, I'll remember
everyone who didn't give me a chance.
People will always talk about you; might
as well give them something to talk about!

Confidence quotes about life

If you are not confident just read these quotes and you will get confidence. Confidence is a vitamin, everyday you need to gather more confidence again. These quotes will help.
Never let your fear of striking out
keep you from playing the game.
Love me or hate me; I'm gonna shine.
Confidence; I wear it like make-up.
I am living proof that beauty
comes in all shapes and sizes.
confidence myspace quotes
Confidence qutoes can be shared to affect your life and your friends in a good way. Confidence is difficult to build but show that you are confident and use these quotes for your twitter, myspace, facebook and other circles!


Jealousy Quotes

Posted in Jealousy Quotes
 Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
 Jealousy is about self-love not love.
 It is better to be envied than pitied.

Jealous quotes here is one of the best collections in If you want them, you can now freely use these quotes in your facebook wall, myspace or twitter just like that!

I'm Sorry, did my back hurt your knife?
What upsets me is not that you lied to me,
but that from now on I can longer believe you
Envy me; Hate me; Rate me.
Face it.. You're never gonna be me.
You've labeled your whole lifestyle and changed the way you dress.
Now take a good look in the mirror and tell me who you're trying to impress.
I guess in the end people become the people
that they promised they'd never be.

Best jealous quotes

jealousy quotes
It's funny how the people that hurt you the most
are always the ones who swore they never would.
Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back;
it only means that you're two steps ahead of them.
People change, and by the time you even notice,
you can't do anything about it.
It's like you never knew them in the first place.
A promise is a promise; that's what they all say.
Welcome to reality hunny, they're b r o k e n everyday.
I miss you being there, but the thing that hurts most is
that I know y o u j u s t d o n t c a r e .
Take out the picture, blow off the dust;
Take off the frame, it's starting to rust.
Remember the times we had together;
What happened to Best Friends Forever?

Sad Jealousy Quotes

Promises are meant to be broken; I learned that from you.
Im not a hoe; Im not a slut.
Its not MY fault boys like the butt!
Love your haters; they're your biggest fans.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,
hate me cause your boyfriend thinks I am.
It's okay, I'd be jealous too.
jealousy quotes

Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

When worse comes to worst, my girls come first!
Friends are forever, boys are whenever!
Frends are like condoms;
they are there when things get hard.
I'm surrounded by angels; I call them my bestfriends.
Were a little crazy; thats just how we roll!
There's no better mirror than a bestfriend!
I hate bi*ches... but I love mine!
A friend is someone who knows you,
and loves you just the same.

Friendship quotes about life

friendship quotes
Friends, dont forget to look for your quote, the one that touches you most. Your myspace quotes need to include at least one of these!
My friends are TOTALLY hotter than yours. ♥
Diamonds and Pearls are pretty,
but nothing is like me & my girls!
Waste time with your friends, be immature,
and live like there is no tomorrow!
Heres to the nights that turned into mornings
and the friends that turned into family!
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!
True friends are hard to find,
harder to leave, and impossible to forget!
friendship myspace quotes


Phobia Quotes

Posted in Phobia Quotes
Phobia quotes are about fear and these are a list of fears that you can have. If you want to learn new words, you can find them here.
Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing.
Acarophobia - Fear of itching or itchy insects.
Acerophobia - Fear of sourness.
Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia - Fear of noise.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
Aeroacrophobia - Fear of open high places.
Aeronausiphobia - Fear of vomiting.
Agateophobia - Fear of insanity.
Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia - Fear of leaving a safe place.
Agraphobia - Fear of sexual abuse.
Agrizoophobia - Fear of wild animals.
Agyrophobia - Fear of crossing the street.
Aichmophobia - Fear of pointed objects.
Ailurophobia - Fear of cats.
Albuminurophobia - Fear of kidney disease.
Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia - Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
Amathophobia - Fear of dust.
Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
Ambulophobia - Fear of walking.
Amnesiphobia - Fear of amnesia.
Amychophobia - Fear of being scratched.
Anablephobia - Fear of looking up.
Ancraophobia - Fear of wind.
Androphobia - Fear of men.
Anginophobia - Fear of choking.
Anglophobia - Fear of England.
Angrophobia - Fear of anger.
Ankylophobia - Fear of immobile joints.
Anthophobia - Fear of flowers.
Anthropophobia - Fear of society.
Antlophobia - Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia - Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia - Fear of infinity.
Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of contact.
Apiphobia - Fear of bees.
Apotemnophobia - Fear of amputations.
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
Arsonphobia - Fear of fire.
Asthenophobia - Fear of fainting.
Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder & lightning.
Astrophobia - Fear of stars.
Asymmetriphobia - Fear of asymmetrical things.
Ataxophobia - Fear of untidiness.
Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
Atephobia - Fear of ruins.
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of being forgotten.
Atomosophobia - Fear of explosions.
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
Aurophobia - Fear of gold.
Autodysomophobia - Fear of odor.
Automysophobia - Fear of being dirty.
Autophobia - Fear of being alone.
Aviatophobia - Fear of flying.

B category Phobia quotes

phobia quotes
Here is a list of phobias beginning with the letter B
Bacillophobia - Fear of microbes.
Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
Ballistophobia - Fear of bullets.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Basiphobia - Fear of walking.
Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs.

Phobia quotes of fears you didn't know existed

Bathophobia - Fear of depth.
Batophobia - Fear of height.
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
Belonephobia - Fear of needles.
Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
Blennophobia - Fear of slime.
Botanophobia - Fear of plants.
 Bromidrophobia- Fear of body odor.
Bufonophobia- Fear of toads.

C category Phobia quotes

phobia quotes
Here is a list of phobias beginning with the letter C
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Cainophobia - Fear of newness.
Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Carcinophobia - Fear of cancer.
Cardiophobia - Fear of the heart.
Carnophobia - Fear of meat.
Catagelophobia - Fear of ridicule.
Catapedaphobia - Fear of jumping.
Cathisophobia - Fear of sitting.
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
Centophobia - Fear of new ideas.
Chaetophobia - Fear of hair.
Cheimatophobia - Fear of cold.
Chemophobia - Fear of chemicals.
Cherophobia - Fear of gaiety.
Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
Chiraptophobia - Fear of contact.
Chirophobia - Fear of hands.
Cholerophobia - Fear of anger.
Chorophobia - Fear of dancing.
Chrematophobia - Fear of money.
Chromatophobia - Fear of colors.
Chronophobia - Fear of time.
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia - Fear of food.
Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
Cleisiophobia - Fear of locks.
Cleptophobia - Fear of stealing.
Climacophobia - Fear of stairs.
Clinophobia - Fear of going to bed.
Cleithrophobia - Fear of enclosure.
Cnidophobia - Fear of stings.
Cometophobia - Fear of comets.
Coimetrophobia - Fear of cemeteries.
Contreltophobia - Fear of sexual abuse.

Phobias you have never heard of

Coprastasophobia - Fear of constipation.
Coprophobia - Fear of feces.
Consecotaleophobia - Fear of chopsticks.
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
Cryophobia - Fear of extreme cold.
Crystallophobia - Fear of crystals.
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
Cyclophobia - Fear of bicycles.
Cymophobia - Fear of waves.
Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.
Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes.

D category Phobia myspace quotes

phobia quotes
Here is a list of phobias beginning with the letter D
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions.
Defecaloesiophobia - Fear of bowels movements.
Deipnophobia - Fear of dinner conversations.
Dementophobia - Fear of insanity.
Daemonophobia - Fear of demons.
Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
Dermatophobia - Fear of skin lesions.
Dermatopathophobia - Fear of skin disease.
Dextrophobia - Fear of right side of the body.
Diabetophobia - Fear of diabetes.
Didaskaleinophobia - Fear of school.
Dikephobia - Fear of justice.
Dinophobia - Fear of dizziness.
Diplophobia - Fear of double vision.
Dipsophobia - Fear of drinking.
Dishabiliophobia - Fear of undressing.
Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
Doraphobia - Fear of animal skin & fur.
Doxophobia - Fear of expressing opinions.
Dromophobia - Fear of crossing streets.
Dutchphobia - Fear of the Dutch.
Dysmorphophobia - Fear of deformity.
Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents.

E category Phobia myspace quotes

phobia quotes
Here is a list of phobias beginning with the letter E
Ecclesiophobia - Fear of church.
Ecophobia - Fear of home.
Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
Electrophobia - Fear of electricity.
Eleutherophobia - Fear of freedom.
Elurophobia - Fear of cats.
Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting.
Enetophobia - Fear of pins.
Enochlophobia - Fear of crowds.
Entomophobia - Fear of insects.
Eosophobia - Fear of daylight.
Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers.
Epistaxiophobia - Fear of nosebleeds.
Epistemophobia - Fear of knowledge.
Equinophobia - Fear of horses.
Eremophobia - Fear of loneliness.
Ereuthrophobia - Fear of blushing.
Ergasiophobia - Fear of work.
Ergophobia - Fear of work.
Erotophobia - Fear of sex.
Euphobia- Fear of good news.
Eurotophobia- Fear of female genitalia.
phobia myspace quotes