There are many end of the world 2012 predictions. We will just identify a few.
1. There are 2012 predictions about
ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE - but is this December 21 2012 end of the world idea a result of too much time sitting in front of the box and not enough actual facts? And how did they come up with this 2012 doomsday prediction about an alien invasion? That said, stories of abductions and sightings come from all kinds of people it's hard to believe they are making it up. The question is, if real, are these aliens from another planet or beings from another dimension?
CLICK HERE for some answers - they may surprise you.
2. What about the biblical
PROPHECIES OF ARMAGEDDON - we have already had two world wars, will the world end with the ultimate war between good and evil in the year 2012? This idea is different to other 2012 predictions as it involves biblical prophecies. Biblical prophecies have been right before. One example is the birth of Christ which fulfilled about 300 prophecies. Before Armageddon comes however (and December 21 2012 is
notpredicted in the Bible as "Armageddon Day"), biblical prophecies speak of a great time of GREAT TRIBULATION on the earth. Having said that, the Bible not only prophecies about a battle of Armageddon on earth but also increased earthquakes, floods, famine, disease, wars and rumours of wars.
There will be things happening in the heavens far beyond our control. These are not end of the world 2012 predictions. But the Bible does say God will use cosmic events as means of his judgement on earth
before the final
day of judgement. If there is a dooms day, that's it. But before that day, Revelation 16:21 speaks of catastrophic disasters like 50 kilo hailstones.
Matthew 24:29 says, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the
SUN be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" But while the Bible speaks of judgment on earth before the ultimate "day of judgement", it also speaks of hope and describes very clearly
how to escape the coming wrath. This is not about escaping any 2012 end of the world doomsday prediction... but something more fearful!
to read about escaping the wrath of God and why you need to
3. Then there are stories surfacing about SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS along the lines of splitting the atom - will the earth be blown up by a mad scientist? Apparently there is an experiment on a very large scale planned for the year 2012. Should this be included in a list of 2012 predictions. Could this bring about an end of the world 2012 doomsday? In a long very tunnel, particle physicists plan to collide electrons and positrons (the opposite of electrons). The tunnel may be up to 50km long and they will use energies of up to a trillion electron volts. This will hurl these particles at close to the speed of light. No one knows what will happen if antimatter is created. Could it destroy a delicate balance in the universe? Will December 21 2012 end of the world predictions be fulfilled through scientific a experiment? We don't think so.
4. On an ancient
MAYAN CALENDAR 2012 is an IMPORTANT DATE The Mayan Calendar runs out on December 21 2012 and it has been suggested that they knew something we don't. This is the basis of what has been called the
Mayan calendar 2012 Prophecy. This "prophecy" has been included in many lists of 2012 predictions. However, because an ancient Mayan calendar ends on December 21 2012, does this mean 2012 is the end of the world? Did the Mayans believe in a 2012 doomsday. True, on the Mayan Calendar 2012 was important and you can find out more about this by clicking the link below the next paragraph.
STRANGE MAYAN BELIEFS. While the Mayan's had some interesting beliefs and insights about life and the cosmos and while some of them reflect scientific observations today, there are other things you may not have heard of. For example, the Mayans also believed that our sun is a god powered by blood from human sacrifices - this and other beliefs were influenced by hallucinogenic drugs which were used, among other things for autosacrifices (yes, suicide). So be careful what you believe about Mayan calendars.
5. A very real possibility is DISEASE - we have seen how quickly it can spread and devastate human life on earth. And there has been talk of the threat of pandemics for several years now. Including the recent Swine Flu pandemic. But is it reasonable to say that the world will end this way on exactly December 21 2012 with an earth wide pandemic? No!
6. Will
SOLAR FLARES bring about a December 21 2012 end of the world doomsday? Solar flares are near the top of the list for 2012 predictions. Solar flares seem to come in cycles and NASA had said that the sun was due for a big one around 2012. Some now say 2013. How big and if it will really happen or bring about an end of the world 2012 doomsday are unknown. What we do know is that our life on earth is deeply affected by the activity of the sun. And as mentioned in the section above on
Armageddon, the sun WILL play a role in end time biblical judgments on the earth. However, while solar flares and other solar activity may affect us more in 2012 than other years, no one can predict that solar activity will bring about the end of the world on December 21 2012 doomsday.
7. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE has been included among some 2012 predictions as a means to earth's end. But again, how can one predict that a 2012 end of the world doomsday from this! Especially that biological weapons will end the world on exactly December 21 2012? The threat of biological warfare will always be here as long as we have insane and / or hateful world control freaks. However, biological warfare cannot be seriously considered as and end of the world 2012 doomsday prophecy, let alone the exact date of December 21 2012. This must be seen as scaremongering and not worthy of attention

8. One of the 2012 predictions is of a GIANT METEOR OR ASTEROID. Meteors have struck the earth before. Could a giant meteor or comet bring about a 2012 end to the world doomsday? Some predict we are overdue for a strike and give 2012 as a possible date for a giant meteor strike on earth. The biggest threat NASA have identified is an asteroid named Apophis. However it is not coming on an end of the world December 21 2012 doomsday and is currently on a Level 0 on the Torino Scale. It will pass close in 2029 with a probability for impact on April 13, 2036 calculated at 1 in 45,000. Asteroid threats still remain. Worth thinking about is Bible prophecy about 50 kilo hail stones and stars falling the sky, but not in 2012. CLICK HERE for more on this. 9. Others believe that a PLANET X: NIBIRU, two thirds earth's size, will pass through our solar system around 2012 causing polar axis shifts on earth. A process, if it actually happens, that would apparently take up to 5,000 years! So at first glance, Nibiru (Planet X) does not look like it will be fulfilling any end of the world 2012 predictions. December 21 2012 seems too precise a date. To find out more about Nibiru, CLICK HERE (text version)
or CLICK HERE to watch a video about Nibiru. 10. Planet X has also been linked to some VAGUE prophecies (or quatrains). Some say that for NOSTRADAMUS 2012 end of the world predictions are true. However, more than once Nostradamus predictions have been "tweaked" to fit with world catastrophes. How do we know that 2012 predictions involving Nostradamus are to be trusted. Nostradamus was a clever man but was he also a prophet? CLICK HERE to read, "Nostradamus - Prophet or Pretender?