Jesus asked me how much I love Him so I spread my arms and said "This much". I asked God how much He loves me. He spread his arms and said "This is how I died for you."
I died with Jesus And with Him was buried; Yet raised from the dead, with a new life to live.
Hello, how are you today? May Christ shine in everything you do, with a prayer that you'll always be safe, not only today, but always.
Jesus Christ died for me, And now I live for Him; To Heaven He ascended, my place to prepare.
The new life I have is a life lived by Jesus; At the right hand of God, He directs my path.
I am dead to sin but alive to God in Christ; Possessing the glorious hope, with Jesus in eternal life.
I've known you before you knew me. I tried to get your attention, but you're so busy. I want you to give all and make you mine. I proved my love when I gave you my life. [JESUS]
Jesus is where I need Him, and I am where His love is. Why should I ever worry if He is always beside me?
One missed call, no one answered. Missed 1: Jesus. But He will never stop calling, no matter how many times you missed His calls... till you hear and answer. Jesus Loves You.
Never a weakness that He can't fill. Never a sickness that He can't heal. Never a sorrow that He doesn't share. Moment by moment- you are under Jesus care.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, no matter how far or how long, Jesus Christ will always be there for you.
I love you and I miss you. If you have time, can you please talk to me before working. Always remember Me whether in good or bad times, okay. Sender: Jesus.
Prayer is an open line to Heaven. No cards to use, no low bat problem, no error, no charging, always good signal, and all messages sent. Make prayer a habit like texting.
What's the fastest thing on earth? Bullet? Nah... Sound? Not quite. Light? Almost. Answer: Prayer. Because it reaches Heaven even before you can say it. Have a nice day.
Prayer is not an extra option nor is it a last resort when all other methods have failed. When man works, man works. But when man prays, God works!
When earthly help is no avail, there's one friend who will never fail. Just lift your eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day!
Prayer is the key that opens your day to every blessing. It also is a lock that closes the night to keep you safe while sleeping. So what you have to do is "use your key all the time."
Smile! It will make you look better. Pray, it will keep you strong. Love, it will make you enjoy life.
Daily Prayer: Whatever plans I have in mind, Lord I surrender them to You. I will do the best I can but in the end, let Your will be done. Amen!
No mater how softly you whisper a prayer, God surely listens, understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. For when you trust in His love, miracles happen!
Morning Prayer: I'll walk this day in faith dear Lord. No foe, no storm I'll fear. Trusting in your precious word, I'm safe for You are near.
We are always excited whenever we hear our text tone beeps. What more would God feel if we can also send Him text messages thru our prayers; free of charge?
I ask God to... make you happy, make you smile, guide you safely through every mile; grant you wealth, give you health, and most of all, give you care and love you well.
May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. God bless.
Like the rain can't be stopped from falling, God's love and blessing keep on pouring. I hope you woke up renewed and refreshed and comforted by His company.
New day, new blessings. Don't let yesterday's failures ruin the beauty of today. Blessings of God are new every morning. Today has its own promise of love, forgiveness, joy and success.
As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love and happiness to make your day a meaningful one. Good Morning!
God unfolds each day like the petals of a rose, each gentle touch a beauty to behold. Hope each of your moments today be so held with His tender loving care.
Let prayer be the key to open and close your day.
A special breakfast for you today: a plate of love, a bowl of peace, a spoon of hope, a fork of care, and a glass of prayer. Enjoy your meal for you are under God's care.
Mornings are reminders that God loves you! You're not just given another day to enjoy but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday.
Before you start your day, have a quiet time with the Lord. Commit to the Lord Jesus whatever you do and your plans will succeed, each in his own time.
Prayer seeks for wisdom, not simply answers. It looks for courage, not simply help. It seeks for the gift of persistence, not only quick solutions. God bless you.
Don't run ahead of God. Let Him direct your steps. He has plans. He has time. God's clock is never early nor late. It always strikes on time. Good am.
The loveliest day comes when you wake up one morning and discover the truth that love still colors our world. How lovely to be loved by Jesus. Good morning!
May God send his love like sunshine in his warm and gentle ways to fill every corner of your heart and give your day a good start?
As the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God shower you His blessings of love and lead you always to the right path.
God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sunrays. I'm sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.
God created mornings so that we can say how great the previous day has been and how wonderful the next 24 hours would be!
Sunrise makes our mornings beautiful but the words of God strengthen us and make our lives more meaningful. Smile & enjoy life!
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and's you!
God planted a seed of faith in our hearts, so all we had to do is water it with prayers, fertilize it with words of God and cultivate it with lots of love.
Life is like music. It has high notes and low notes. No mater how high or low your notes may be, keep in tune with God and you'll never go out of tune in the music of life.
You may not know where life's road will lead you. But keep moving. God is walking with you.
Everything in life is temporary coz everything changes! That's why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime... But having the faith, it will last forever!
God said "Build a better world." I said, "How? The world is such a complicated, cold dark place and there is nothing I can do." God said "Just build a better you."
Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier. Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains today and every day. Have a great day ahead!
It's not how high you build your dream that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb. It's not how much you accomplish but how many lives you touch.
Conscience: The inner voice that tells us that Someone is looking.
When you encounter problems in life, don't ask God to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose. Ask ways how to live a day searching His purpose for you.
God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom but we simply have to trust His will. God bless you all the way.
May God give you a caring heart so that you can become a whole person, not just gifted with intellect that can understand, but with heart that truly cares and loves.
God answers prayers - YES: He gives you what you want; NO: He gives you something better; WAIT: He gives you His best in His time...
Only a fish knows the splendor of the sea. Only a Christian knows the glory of God.
Happy moments - praise God. Difficult moments - seek God. Busy moments - bless God. Quiet moments - worship God. Waiting moments - trust God. Painful moments - touch God. Lovely moments - thank God.
Be happy with what you have...while working for what you want...Remember, a happy and successful life...begins with God and ends for God.
Live life with a joyful heart and keep your spirit young and free! Stay true and firm to Jesus Christ! And be the best that you can be! Take care!
It's not the presence of someone that brings meaning to Life. But the way Someone touches your HEART gives LIFE a Beautiful Meaning.
Don't work too hard to give yourself the best of everything, instead make a greater effort to give God the best of yourself.
God gave you a promise that you wont have to face life alone...for when you grow weak in your struggles, His strength will prevail and not your own.
Journey to God starts with one small step at a time. He doesn't expect you to run the mile -- but HE promises to give you strength to go the distance.
I can love you but God can love you deeper. I can be a friend but God can be your best friend. I can hug you but God can envelope you. You can cry to me but God can dry your tears. I can hold your hand but God can carry you.
When God puts a tear in your eye, it's because He wants to put a rainbow in your heart.
God often uses small matches to light up great torches and no matter how small you feel in this world, He has something big in store for you.
Life is good when somebody remembers. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because Someone always cares.
Search for truth and you shall find beauty. Search for beauty and you shall find love. Search for love and you shall find God. Search for God and you shall have them all!
In God's eyes, love is never absent. In God's heart, forgiveness is never impossible. In God's embrace, no one is ever alone or forgotten. God Bless!
God never closes a door without opening a window. He always gives us something better when He takes something away.
I go to EAST, I go to WEST. I found so many good things, but GOD is the BEST.
Walk with the Lord when your heart needs company. Take His hand when you feel all alone. Turn to Him when you need someone to lean on. He's the only one you can always rely on.
God made you a promise that you won't have to face life alone. For when you grow weak in your struggles, His strength will prevail and not your own.
God can reach each falling tears. He sees the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear. Don't ever give up coz He is near.
God often uses small matches to light up great torches and no matter how small you feel in this world, He has something big in store for you.
Step by step, the journey goes on. Little by little it may seem so long. The things we learn will keep us on. With faith in God He'll keep us strong.
Falling in love with the Lord is the greatest romance; searching Him, the greatest adventure; finding HIM, the greatest achievement; and being with HIM, the greatest source of happiness.
God said don't look around because you'll be impressed. Don't look down you'll be depressed; just look to me all the time and you'll be blessed.
The Lord is waiting above to give you His grace and send you His love. Whatever your cross, whatever the pain, God always sends a rainbow after the rain.
If you have a problem, don't say "Hey I have a big problem." Rather say, "Hey problem, I have a great GOD."
In God's eyes, love is never absent. In God's heart, forgiveness is never impossible. In God's embrace, no one is ever alone or forgotten. God Bless!
When God closes a door, He opens a window... but at times He shuts both. Worry not for He would tear down the roof... so His blessings could overflow. God Bless!
When God drops needles and pins along your path in life, don't avoid them. Pick them up and collect them. They were designed to teach you to be stronger.
God did not promise days without pain; laughter without sorrow; sun without rain. But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears; and light four our way.
Just sleep tight and thank God for the wonderful things He has blessed you. Be grateful and thank Him, coz He will give you more important things.
Even if I can't see you, don't worry God will always be there for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He asks you to put something down, it's because He wants you to pick up something greater.
God is truly wise. He made sadness so we'd know joy, pain so we'd have pleasure, war so we'd seek peace, hate so we can love and a morning so we can face a new day.
Step by step, the journey goes on. Little by little it may seem so long. The things we learn will keep us on. With faith in God He'll keep us strong.
A word of love gives spice to life. A word from a friend gives pleasure and happiness to the heart. And the word of God gives light and meaning to our lives. Good morning.
If you keep God inside your heart, there is nothing that will come into your life that you won't be able to handle.
Sometimes GOD pushes us to our LIMITS...HE tests us beyond our ENDURANCE, because He has greater FAITH in us than we have in ourselves!
God makes us brave when we're afraid, makes us strong when we are weak, but most of all, he teaches us to hold on to him when things keep falling.
Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier. Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains today and every day. Have a great day ahead!
Don't let little things get you down. You've got many big reasons to look up to God and say thanks. It's going to be a great day.
God sees you just exactly as you are He sees you perfectly and more truly than people can, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine.
When things are not working as we expect them to be, take it as God's subtle way of teaching us to grow. The process may be difficult but it will surely bring the best out of you. God bless.
Little trials without God will break you. Big trials with God will make you great. May you always find strength in God's love and faithfulness.
God can reach each falling tears. He sees the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear. Don't ever give up coz He is near.
No one has traveled the road of success without ever crossing the street of failures. GOD never promised us an easy journey in life, only safe arrival.
In the ocean of life, God is our buoyant force. No matter how strong the wind and how gigantic the waves are, we will not sink because we are anchored to Him."
..We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
friendship quotes
When words fail..Action speaks..When Action fails..Eyes speak..
When Eyes fail..Tears speak..And when everything else fails..SILENCE speaks..
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smile is a Lightening System of Face.. , Cooling System of Head.. , and Heating System of Heart.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do not cry if the Sun sets at the end of the day, because the tears will not let you enjoy the beauty of the Stars. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friends give us the courage to lift the blinds on our hearts, to open up and show what we generally keep hidden from the rest of the world. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friends give us security in knowing our secrets will be protected and will not be broadcast from the rooftops. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friends give us the strength to stand up after we have been knocked to our knees. They offer a safe haven from the storms of life. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nobody understands the reason why i met you in this lifetime journey. we're not sisters by blood but we know from the start God put us together to be sisters by heart!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We met by God's grace, became friends by choice, grew in friendship by decision and will be friends for life by commitment! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dont have a' small town' outlook,enlarge your heart until it becomes'universal' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this world, u don't need many friends, just those who stay true & will sit by u thru thick & thin! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friendship is not how long u've been together, not how much u've given or received, not how many times u've helped each other, but it's how u "value" one another. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friendship is a chain of gold, each link a smile, a laugh, a tear, a grip of hand, a word of cheer. But no matter how heavy the load, i'll be ur friend 'till the end. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One day, God saw me crying, then He asked why i'm lonely. I said, "i need a friend". Then He gave u to me. I asked God why u? & He said, " I thot u were asking for an angel!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A true friend is not like the rain that pours and goes. It's more like the air..sometimes keeping quiet but it's always there, constantly hanging around. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value the people who have touched ur life 'coz u will never know just when they will walk out of ur life & never come back again. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There's a gift of quiet blessing only friendship can impart, for a friend shares life with gentle hands, kind words and a caring heart. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If u think that i'll 4get u, well think again! i may not always be around to keep in touch but ur always on my mind, 4ever in my heart, marked in my soul. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I miss the way u say "talk to me" or the way u say "ei, musta?" the way u txt & say "ingat ka ha!" but the thing i miss most is when u say "ok lang yan, d2 naman ako eh!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U may hear nothing from me on how i appreciate u as a friend, but beyond that silence, ur friendship creates a byutiful sound in my heart. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Even though i know u can handle ur life on ur own, that doesn't keep me from bein' concerned & wanting 2 be here 4u. so no matter what..hold on to this thot: "ilolweizbhir" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I saw an old painting of 2 friends, i wonder how long it'll stay intact. It's old but yet never fading. I wish we were the painting, gettin' old yet never changin'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Like a pebble cast on water, making circles that reach out far beyond it's center, ur kindness can touch more lives than u will ever know. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laughter, friendship, love, hope, can i thank u 4 dis gifts? i have absolutely no idea but i've got 4ever 2 figure it out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The best things in life are not things. They are songs to sing, dreams to pursue, love to share & people who are true, exactly just like you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One day we may 4get the people that once came to our lives. pero lam mo? When that day comes.. i won't forget u coz u ddnt cme 2 my life, u became a part of it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Havin' a friend so sweet, so caring, so true, so sincere is a treasure! so i can't just imagine how lucky u are havin' me! ow! i mean.. me havin' u! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As i watched the ants crawl upon the wall, i noticed that no matter how busy they are, they'd still stop & communicate w/ 1 another. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Having someone to remember is pleasing enough to the heart. It doesn't matter if u remember me once in a while, what matters most is that we 're friends at all times. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crossin paths w/ u ws a coincdnce. i'll nver regret nor 4get coz u wer one of those wnderful people i drimd of having. i'm so thankful that once in my life's journey, i found a friend like u! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
They say friends always need to hold hands, but not us. 'Coz even if we're not holding hands, we know that we always have each other to hold on to! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------We exist temporarily thru what we take, but we live forever thru what we give. It's better to give than to receive. Gift ko sa Christmas ha! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A good person is never lost. One who sows thoughtfulness reaps friendship. One who plants kindness, reaps love. Enjoy the fruits you've sown so well! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Damn those people who are hurting you. I'm raising hell to those who treat you bad. If they know the real you, i'm sure that everyone will care & miss you all the time..just like i do! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friends are special treasures of the heart. They make u feel loved, needed & secured. It's often not said but felt.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friendship is the sweetest form of love. So when i say i'll be your friend 'till the end, its as good as sayin' i'll keep you in my heart 'till it's very last beat.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
love quotes
im happy, but deep down im not.. im alryt but in reality im losin' my mind..
tried not to tok 2 u.. tried not 2 show, but 1 word, 1 look, 1 smile from u
& i know.. agen... i'd fall...
be careful in letting go the things u thought are juz nothing.. coz maybe
someday u'll realize dat the 1 u gave away s d very thing u'v been wishing 4..
i cud smoke 'till my lungs burn & my breathn stops, but i wud smoke a million
mor if only to prove how meaningless life is without you..
everytime i see a star, i remember u & cry.. y? coz i was under dat star wen
i wished 4 u.. i was under dat star wen i had u & i was under dat star wen u
suddenly wished 4 sum1 new...
missing u secretly is a hard thing to do.. hoping.. wndrng.. wishing.. dat u
fil d same way.. but i can't read ur mind if u miss me 2.. watever it is, i still
miss u..
u know y i hate silence so much? coz when it's quiet, when im alone.. dats
d moment when i realize i wanna be wid u....
u make me smyl even wid d silliest stuffs.. u make me think even wid d
unthnkable remarx.. but wat i can't rili figure out is how ud make me smyl
even wen ur out of sight..
sometimes we bliv dat life has to move on.. we reminisce abwt d past, but
realize dat gud things never last.. but somehow in smway we silently wish
to hold on to d one we once had..
im not like a rain dat juz pours on u then goes.. im mor like an air keepin'
quiet but always der constantly hangin' around..
if u fil a little dizzy, & ur craving for sumthng swit all d tym, i knw wat d
problem is... u r suffering from a dficiency of VITAMIN "ME" !!!
i never regret d tym iv knwn u.. sum1 hus nice, swit & luving.. bcoz now u
r part of me.. i promised 2 cherish u til d end & 4evr be urs..
crying is hard enuf but u juz cant seem 2 go away & leave d one u luv.. u kip
sayin' enuf is enuf but u juz cudn't give up coz wen it cums 2 luvn sum1 enuf
is never enuf..
someday i'll juz be sittin' down in a rockin' chair rminiscn d past beside d
window & wen my grandchildren come & ask 4 a story.. i'll start it wid
"once upon a time, der was u in my life" ...
wen u luv sm1 u'll fight 4 wat u feel.. but if d one u love loves sm1 else,
"let go".. a soldier must know wen 2 fight & wen 2 surrender..
relationships r like photographs.. some u remember, some u 4get.. some last
4ever some may fade.. but some r never developed & ul nver get 2 c how
dey wud hav turned out..
d secret of life isn't just to live but to have somethng worthwhile to live for..
we only live once but if we love right, one lifetime is enuf..
don't let false love fool u, but dn't let real love pass u by.. coz d easy part of
life is finding sm1 to luv, d hard part is finding sm1 to love u back..
it's hard to go or to live while luvin' sum1 secretly.. it hurts to c the 1 u luv
happy wid sum1 else.. but d most painful thing about hidden love? it never
fades away easily.. sad noh?
i dn't rush in2 fallin' inluv, for love never runs out! even if dey mock me coz
im single, i juz tel dem.. "God is juz busy writing d best love story for me"..
BOY: i heard u found sum1 new.. GIRL: yes, & he's better dan u.. BOY: y? can
he make u smyl & laf lyk i do? GIRL: no, but he never makes me cry lyk u do..
i tot love can melt d pain no matter how painful it is.. but i was wrong.. coz
now i know pain can melt the love.. no matter how great it is..
love is a song not only played in d radio, instead its a song played in a person's
heart.. f ur in luv, sing dt song & go along coz u myt find sum1 wid u singing d
same song..
at tyms wen i cant take it anymore, i ask myself.. hw much worse can my
life get? den i stop, glance at u & say, .."much worse, if i ain't got u"..
if u ask me hw much i luv u, i wnt say anythng.. il juz take ur hand & fil d
gaps between ur fingers.. & hold un2 u until ol ur doubts r gone..
u touched my lyf n a very special way much special dan wat i xpected,
thou i dnt knw hw special i am 2 u, u'll always be special to me!
peter pan came 1nite & invited me 2 nverland wer i can nvr grw old.. i was
about 2 go bt i refused.. kno y? coz i thot of sumthn' better 2 do.. & dats 2
grow old wid you..
if i want to die tmrw, id die happily 4 i livd my lyf knowin & lovin u.. but id
also leave dis world sadly coz il be leavin u, d 1 hu gave me a rison 2 live.
i ges 2 hv u will nvr b & i hv 2 acept it even if it hurts me.. but ders 1 thng
i wnt 2 ask frm u & i hope u'll grant it 2.. "wil u let me luv u 'til i get over u?"
i cant promise much.. i may not b d 1 u need & i may not knw wen smthngs
on ur mind..but gez wat? i promise 2 b hir 4 u till hell freezes..
its easy 2 fall completely w/ sum1.. its easy 2 blieve all thse lies.. its easy
to lose urself 2 sm1 u hardly knw.. but y isnt it easy 2 4get sm1 u luv, hu
found it easy 2 let u go...
u may sumtyms fil dat da pipol u cre about dnt seem 2 cre 4 u as much as
u cre 4 dem, but ul nvr fil dat way wid me coz il alwz cre 4 u much mor dan
u cre 4me!
sumtyms we become hapi wid unseen effort, 4 unknwn risons & in unxpctd
ways, i dnt knw wat.. but u came & i was happy..
wen luv is real, it defies all rison, wen luv is true it ignores all pain.. wen luv
is great it waits, it persists, it lingers 4ever..
true love never dies for it is lust that fades away.. love binds for a lifetime
but lust just pushes away..
wen u luv it doesnt mater hw many tyms u'd cry, hw many words u'd heard
but its hw mch u luv & hw long u're willing 2 luv.. even it mins taking away
ur own happiness..
i fear dat sumday tym wud kip us apart & u myt 4get me, bt b4 it happens
i hope dat u hv felt even 4 a single chance dat i hav cared 4 u d best way
i know..
a million things i've asked d Lord, He gave me u i knw y He
did.. u r worth d million thngs i wished 4.. & even so much more..
dey say God has equal luv 4 every1.. do u think dats true? i dnt think so!
coz if He luvs us equally, den y dsnt every1 hav sum1 lyk u? i ges He luvs
me more..
wnever ur world turns dark, think of me as ur sun, i may b wid u 4 a limited
tym of d day but u knw i'll olweiz b der 4 u 2mrw, d day after 2mrw & d day
after 4ever..
sm1 asked me 2 describe YOU in 2 words.. he expected me 2 answer d
words "THE BEST" but i didnt! i juz simply smiled & said: "nthng compares".
up 2 wer can u prove ur love 2 sum1? wat wil u do if ur love 1 asks u "do u
really luv me?" & telz u... "if yes,, can u set me free?"
jz a wyl ago, i started thinking about you.. sm nyc thots cme up, few yet
fond memories, simple moments wid u.. den i thot dat u shud know, im so
glad i met u.. i rili am..
in love, u take risks, u fol down, but u shld nver b scared 2 go a lil further,
a lil crazier, coz in d end. d switest love is d 1 which made u lose control..
in my lyf der r many problems i face, sumtyms 2 hard for me to handle &
sumtyms i easily giv up..u know wat kips my heart frighten? a piece of
my lyf called " ________"
i was smyln wen i saw a guy & a girl holdin hnds.. i luk agen w/o knowin
a tear fell frm my eyes.. I CRIED.. bcz d girl i saw owns d sme hand
" i wanted to hold on"...
if a person did evrythng 4 u, loved u & trusted u in evrythng u do, dnt evr
let go of diz person, 4 u will realyz 1 day dat diz person is willing 2 luv u 4evr.
a hug can say: i mis u, im thinkin of u, ur special.. it can soothe a heart, calm
a fear, or cheer us wen wer blue.. now... wud u mind if i hug u?
if a bird luvs a fish, wer wud dey liv? hu gets d fins, hu luses d wings? wel,
dts how luv goes.. u nid 2 lus smthng bt in d end, it doesnt mke u less, it
makes u complete..
i wish im an angel flying around u, but u wont knw i exist & u wont knw dat
i care..tho it may sim dat way & u dnt hav a clue.. its ok cz i jz wanna be a
silent part of u..
shadows r lyk me.. dey r der 2 accompany u, every step of d way.. bt d
difference between a shadow & me is dat id stil b der 4u even if d lyt doesnt
shine anymore..
i told u "drimz dnt come true, dey nvr do." but u sed "bt dey do come true,
dey rili do!" bt dey dnt, cant u see?! oderwys, id b wid u & u wid me..
guys r d spices in a girl's lyf.. w/o dem, lyf wud b so dull.. 2 bad, guys hapen
2 b s spicy.. that often, dey get us girls teary eyed..
i had a drim last nyt, u wer hangin at d end of a cliff.. i reached out my hands
4 u.. bt sm1 down below promsd 2 catch u.. my tirs fell as u started 2 let go..
nvr had tym for long toks, we hardly hd chance 4 a few lafs, bt evendow our
worlds dnt always mit, rmmber dat.. il alwys b d same prsn u used 2 know..
der is magic in love, we follow d rule.."love one another" & if it doesnt work
out.. juz swap d last 2 words.."love another one" ..hahaha!
der r some magical pipol in dis world.. dey hv d power 2 touch lives in unique
ways.. dats y i juz wanted u 2 knw dt n my life u'r amzingly 1 mgical prson
im glad iv known..
d air we breathe kip us alive, bt if 1 day d air in dis world bcome 2 limited 4 us,
dnt wori cz il b willing 2 hold my breath even 4 a million yrs juz 2 c u alive!
ur a lil sumthn n dis big world dt cant b seen or noticed.. bt w8! its u hu cant
notice dt ur a big smthng in my lil world...
love is lyk d last item on display.. u hav 2 hold it n think rily hard if u rily wnt
2 hav it or juz leave it der.. odrwse, u myt regret seein sm1 tke dat last piece
u gav up..
wen u miss sm1, ur heart starts 2 shout dat prson's name.. 4 some rison my
heart jz wnt stop shoutin ur name.. i guess ur smart enuf 2 figure out wat i
once u undergo a failed relationship, d pain is alwys left unaided.. every1
thinks u moved on bt ul later realyz, u nvr stopd lovin him, u juz learned how
2 liv w/o him..
in lyf der r thngs u cnt do, u cnt pat ur back 4 a job well done, u cant hug urself
4 comfort & u cnt cry on ur shoulders wen tears do fol.. bt don't wori... i can!
i may b d most imperfect person, d most s2pid prsn, d most deaf listener..
bt wen evrythngs down on u.. i can b d most untiring dOnNaH running just 4u.
d moment u found sum1 dat makes ur heart beat, stop d search & take d risk.
remember dat d world is a big place dat if u lus dat spcial 1, u hv 2 search
d world agen...
i made a music but der was no harmony until i found u, den i know ur d
missing piece, so i titled my song.. "bcoz of u".. tnx 4 d luv & d joy u bring.
i hope u know dat i am sum1 hu truly luvs u, understands wen u say "i 4got"
w8s 4ever wen u say "juz a min", stays wid u wen u say "liv me alone", opens
my heart even b4 u knock..
i luv u.. y am i saying dis 2 u? so dat tmrw if i dnt wake up, ul remember dat
my final moment in lyf was spent in telling u hw much u mean 2 me..
it was d end of d world, God asked me 2 bring 4 pipol wid me 2 heaven.. we
wer alredi 5 wen u cme, i can't liv u so i decided 2 stay.. heaven deservs u
mor dan i do..
sum1 asked me to describe "YOU" in 2 words.. dey xpectd me 2 answer d
words "The Best".. but i didn't.. i juz simply smyld & said: "nothing compares"
i nvr had a chnce 2 say thank u 4 ol d thngs uv done 4 me! tnx 4 gving me d
best luv i cud ever ask 4, n 1 last thng, tnx 4 coming n2 my life!
i wont bip u if i dnt miss u.. i wnt txt u if i dnt care 4 u.. i wnt waste my tym
txtng u if ur nt impt.. ders so many risons y, but 1 thng 4 sure UR SPECIAL!
dey say as long as at least 1 person cares 4 u lyf isn't a waste, so wen
things go terribly wrong & u fil lyk gving up, stick 2 dis.. I CARE!
think & take time 2 listen 2 ur heart, sumtyms u nid nt 2 ask urself hu u
love more but ask hu rili makes u hapi & hu makes u fil loved..
wen i met u i was afraid to lyk u.. now dat i like u im afraid to luv u, now
dat i luv u im afraid 2 lose u..
u can never change d past nor control d future.. but u can change d mood
of d day by touching sum1's "private part" ......THE HEART!!!
wake me up wen ur heart nids company, take my heart wen u fil alone
turn 2 me wen u nid sm1 2 lean on, coz 'til tym runs out, i wil always
stay around..
sumtyms, u nid 2 hold anader persons hand, if nt 4 luv, 4 d com4t and
d security it brings.. iv got 2 hands & if anything goes wrong, il promiz
ul hav dem both..
in lyf, NEEDS & WANTS r rily different wid each other.. in ur lyf, im nt
alwayz der wenevr u WANT me 2 b der, but 2 tel u im alwayz hir
wenever u NEED me..
isn't it sad dat wen u have so much pain in ur heart & u want 2 tok, d
only person hu can stop u from cryin' is xactly d same person hu made
u cry..
dnt ever giv up wen ur down.. it doesn't matter if u fol many tyms..
jz remember dat each tym u fall, il never let u reach d ground.. trust
me, alwayz b around!
we may love d wrong person n cry 4 d wrong rison.. but no matter how
thngs go wrong, 1 thing is 4 sure, mistakes help us find d ryt pipol dat
r meant 4 us..
its not how close or far we r 2day but wat matters is how much i value
YOU in my heart.. 4 me u r heaven's gift.. a NICE PERSON i wud surely
keep!! mis u..
i may not b ur ideal frend, i may not b d best 4 u but wud u plz teach
me how 2b one coz.. wen tyms comes at least u wud rmember me
sum1 hu tryd 2b perfect 4 u..
i may act like i dnt care anymor, it may seem like i ain't missing u at ol.
but if u cud juz c wats in my hart ul c d same old donna hu cares 4 u so
i knew ur lyf can go on w/o me, dat u can be hapi w/o me, dat u can
survive w/o me.. but even if u turn me away, i will stay wid u & be ur
sweetest "_____" 4ever..
i care 4 u but i can't show it.. i miss u but u dnt knw it.. ur in luv wid
sum1 els & i cant accept it.. coz i folen 4 u & i juz can't help it..
w/o me i knw u cud stil b complete, w/o me u cn go on, w/o me u cn
still liv ur lyf, bt i wish ud still remember dt smhow once in ur lyf, sm1
truly cared 4 u.. ako po un..
lyf is about moments, about pipol coming n2 r lives & giving mor
meaning 2 our existence.. it's abwt pipol lyk u.. touching my life,
and yes, my heart...
i may run out of message 2 txt u, i may run out of gud jowks 2, i may
run out of battery or even a peso but my hart wnt run out of space
4 sm1 lyk u..
a boy was abwt 2 leave, but b4 he did he gave hs girl a dozen of roses
11 wer real & 1 was artificial.. he told d girl "dnt cry, i will love you
'til d last one dies.."
i was at d ship thinkin' of u.. wen i lukd down, i dropped a tear n2 d
ocean.. i made a promise dat until sm1 finds it dats d only tym il 4get u
peter pan came 1 nite & invited me 2 nverland wer i can nvr grow old..
i was about 2 go but i refused.. kno y? coz i thot of sumthin' better 2 do
and dats 2 grow old wid u..
i may nt com up wd d ryt words 2 cheer u if ur down, or make u smile
wid a joke, but at least im tryin' 2 make ur fone beep 2 let u know im
still around..
iif its nt u, it wil nvr b u no mter wat or how much im obsessed abt u! but
f jz n cse u r 4 me, ul alwyz b no matr how i set u free
slowly im msin u bt stl m tryin 2 kip tngs wer dey shld b so wen u fil dat
i dnt cre 4 u, jz try 2 rmembr dat ol my cre 4 u grws n a plce wer no 1 cn c
n luv nvr put urslf n a c2ation wer u r nt sur wer u stnd n a prson's lyf. nvr
assume, nvr xpct so dat f dey chus 2 drop u, u hv enaf strength 2 move on
sumtyms d only tng dat cn mve a prson's lyf frm d hrshnes of ds wrld 2 d
realms of pradyz s a cmple chnce.. a chnce 2 c him/her thru.. a chnce 2
knw him/her bter.. i ges all it tkes 2 knw anytng s jz a chnce 2 allow urslf 2
do anytng dat lyf ofers u
f i cd hold ur hart i wud.. f i cud hug u tyt, i wud.. f i cud luv u , i wud.. its nt
dat i dnt hv d wil 2 do it.. is jz dat i dnt hv d ryt
sumtyms n luv, u hve 2 sacrifyc , get hrt, tke ol d pains & sufferings & @ d
end.. dnt tink hw painful uv gvn thru but rader focus on the love u hv gvn 4
dat spcl prson
smtyms i wshd dat i nvr saw u, dat i nvr met u & dat i nvr knw u.. its nt bcz
i dnt lyk u nider bcoz i h8 u bt bcoz i fet fear dat 1 day i myt lus u
i admit il nvr b d prfct frnd, il nvr b der alwyz.. i may nt mke u smyl at tyms
bt ders 1 tng i also admit i cud do .. 2b d best prson i cud b 2 u
u may mit ader ppl bter dan me, funier dan me, cuter dan me but 1 tngs 4 p rn kita khit piliin mo cla!
i fil so spcl everytm u rmember me, i fil so cmplete wen i knw dat ur hir 4
me, i fil do blsd coz God gve u 2 me so pls stay.. 4 sure il ms u f u go away
lyf may lid me 2 new & diff pths , mit nw ppl ,lern nw tngs bt ds wil 4ever
rmain tru.. werevr lyf tkes me il alwyz rmembr d path wer i met u
wen u fnd luv, treasure it, tke gud cre of it, b tru 2 it & mke gud use of it coz
love comes unseen .. u cn only c it wen its gne!
wen i tnk abt d tyms wev spnt 2gdr i smyl 4 i knw dip nsyd doz wer d bst
tyms,, d vry few dat i wud gladly wnt 2 luk bck 4 d rst of my lyf
d only way 2 knw dat sm1 truly luvs u s wen u trnd him dwn u c him rys frm
d fall, wok up 2 u & say " i luv u mor now dan i evr did b4"
1s u tnk ur sad & lnely jz tnk dt ur w/ me. 1s u tnk dat ur alone tk dt m hir 4 u
2 lean on. 1s u tnk nobody luvs u, tnk agen.. i exst ryt? Ü
ol u c wen u luk at me s a frnd hul b der til d end bt hv u evr gvn a tot abt wat
i c wen i luk at u? i cnt c a frnd bt a prson hu mins d wrld 2 me
1 nyt i saw a star dat wud grant watever id wsh 4, i asked hartfully f i cn hv
u.. bt d star told me i cnt, sum1 had olredi wsh 4 u =(
1 nyt i saw a star dat wud grant watever id wsh 4, i asked hartfully f i cn hv
u.. bt d star told me i cnt, sum1 had olredi wsh 4 u =(
nsyd it hurts tellin me i ms u.. nsyd i fil gr8 pain knowng i cn nvr hv u.. nsyd
i hope ud stay & nvr move away.. nsyd i luv u & il alwyz do.. but nsyd i cry
sayn "i wsh u knew"
y do i fil hurt? y do i fil lyk cryn? y do i get jealous? y do i get paranoid & all
dat? y do i luk 4 answers wen n fact d answer s cmply bcoz I LOVE YOU
u cn call me selfsh wen all i wnt s ur love.. u cn call me helpless coz m
helplessly in love.. u cn call me imprfct bt hws prfct? tel me wat do m gonna
do? 2 prove dat m d only 1 4 u...
ur ds lil tng n ds big wrld dat cn b d only 1 2 hurt me so much thru hw
dangerous u r i stl wnt u 2 kip nxt 2 me coz ur ds 1 lil tng n ds big wrld dat
i cnt liv w/o
i nvr h8d u 4 nt lovng me.. i nvr h8d seeing u w/ d prson u love coz i knw ur
happy but u c i h8 u.. 4 mking me fall even mor wen m tryn 2 let u go
a thousnd wrds cudnt brng u bck i know coz i tryd.. nider cud a thousnd
tears, i knw coz i cried.. u left me w/a broken hart & hapi memris 2 but i nvr
wanted memris.. i only wanted U
m filn blue & i nid u 2 help me thru.. cudnt rich 4 u wer 2 far lyk a dstant
shining star.. i lukd 4 ur hart 2 stay nsyd i wnt 2 lay.. i nid u 2 protct me w/
ur lovng embrace coz faith s wat i hv jz 2 c ur face.. tngs may nt b d same,
tngs may ddnt last, bt tym wont erase d memris of d past
i was so afraid to lose you without realizing why. it's not that i can't live
without you, maybe it's just that i am so afraid of seeing you held by
someone you love more.
last nyt i made a wish upon my wishing star, but I guess it ddnt cum tru...
cz f it did, i wudnt b hir hurting this much from missing you...
i mis u not bcoz u mis me but bcoz u taught me hw 2 feel emptines wen ur
not hir... i luv u not bcoz u luv me, but bcoz u taught me evrythng i nvr knw
xistd b4...
it maybe foolish of me 2 thnk dat ur thnking of me ryt wt f u do mis
me d way id mis u everynyt?wt f m d rison bhind dat Ü?i gues tom i cud die..
I seldom say I love you though the feelings are always there. SOmehow
these 3 words are the hardest ones to share. I speak my love thru someway
of my own, coz the love I feel for you is too big for words alone.
an angel asked me a while ago to give him 10 gud reasons y i love u so
much. i smiled and said ;because there's no reason not to.
i dnt nid sum1 hul jus b der. i nid sum1 hul be der holdng me & sncrly carng
4 me til God takes my last breth fr me. so do i mke sense f i tel u i nid u?
i LYK u DNT u KNOW? i CARE 4 u DNT u KNW? i LUV u DNT
u KNW? hw S2PD of ME 2 ask U ds QUESTIONS...of CORS u
DNT knw! HW wud U knw DAT i LYK u, I care 4 U & i LUV
u..Wn ur 2 BC luving SM1 els...
I can never love you enough. I can never give enough of what you need.
I can never say what's needed when needed. I know it's not good enough,
I'm not good enough...but damn, I'm loving you at my best
if at times you find me not minding you...don't think that i'm tired of you or
i'm bored with you... i'm just thinking of you and wondring what i've done to
deserve sum1 like you.
ur prfect in my eyes smetyms too gud to be true. I cudnt bliv my eyes d 1st
tym i luked at u! ur prfct in my eyes wat i say is true..and im longin 4 d day
wen il be prfect to you...
u wil hir w/ ur ears but u wil not undrstnd...u wil luk w/ ur eyes but u wil
not c. nw...try 2 fil it w/ ur hart nd u wil knw hw much u mean 2 me...
If I count how many times you've crossed my mind in my entire life, I'd be
lying if I said it was too many cause you only crossed my mind once, why?
You never left ...
It's hard to live alone, its hard to choose someone to love, but the hardest
part of falling is to admit that you have fallen in love with someone you
didn't mean to love from the start...
There are times when i cant decide whether to see you or not, I want to see
you because I miss you but there are times when I dont want to see you
because everytime I do, the fact that you dont see me the way that I see
you hurts me even more ..."
Two teardrops were floating down the river. One drop said to the other,
"Who are you?". "I am the teadrop of the boy who lost a woman, who are
you?". "I'm the teardrop of a girl who regret letting a man go" ...
There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not
because that person started to hate us but because we found out that
they'd be happier if we let them go.
Do you know that the worst day that I miss you is not when you were far
away it's when you're just right beside me yet I know I can never have you
coz I'm simply watching you fall for someone else..
Sometimes you think you'e gotten over a person but when you see him
smile, you suddenly realized you're just pretending you got over him to
ease the pain of knowing he'll never be yours.
Losing the one you love hurts ... some peole say that you'l get over that
person easily ... But it really isn't easy especially when that person you
love was the only love you ever had.
You know you love someone when you can only have 1 wish and that wish
wouldn't be for that person to love you because you wouldn't want that
person's love came from a wish but from his heart
One day you'll love me as I've loved you. One day you'll cry for me as I
cried for you. One day, you'll need me just like I needed you. One day you'll
want me but I wont want you
If I could have 3 wishes, I wouldn't wish for the stars, the moon, the riches
and this life. But for 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, and 13 months a year to
spend a longer time with you.
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